What about the concern that AOC raised that any change in the ticket now will lead to legal challenges— and potentially given the partisan Supreme Court— an inability to get the Democratic ticket on the ballot in some swing states? Is there any basis for ignoring this concern?

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The main concern is about the ballot deadlines, and finalizing a nominee by August 7 would take care of this. I don't see any other basis for a legal challenge. But early nomination would require the party to move fast if it's not going to be Biden at the helm.

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“ I don't see any other basis for a legal challenge. ”

I would like to hear this from a lawyer and someone who cognizant of the dramatic turn the Supreme Court has taken in the past month. It just seems like a dangerously grey area to me.

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Understood... I'm certainly open to persuasion on this. I also think that one can't be paralyzed by the fear of legal challenge, especially when it serves the interests of opponents to exaggerate the possibility. Also, there is no nominee at present, so I really don't see a legal opening here.

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I think I would agree with you if I hadn’t read big chunks of Trump v US. All this Supreme Court needs is a pretext and five or six of them will make a partisan decision favoring Trump. The reality of this situation cannot be ignored.

Steve Waldman summarizes here: https://drafts.interfluidity.com/2024/07/19/trump-v-united-states-greatest-hits/index.html

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